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Cathedral of st. Barbora Sight of Kutná Hora city Mědínek Hotel |
Date: April 16 - 18, 2008Location: Mědínek Hotel, Kutná Hora, Czech RepublicReport:The Faculty of Economy and Management at the University of Life Science in Prague organized the conference “Countryside – Our World” in Kutná Hora for the second time. The title should express two main ideas: countryside is significant and integral part of all countries all over the world – it is the reason to devote relevant care to it and at the same time it is subject of many researches. The conference focused on the three perspectives: international, national and local. The Ministry for Regional Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took patronage over the conference. To originally announced themes: • Social change and
restructuring in rural societies - opportunities and vulnerabilities were, according to
submitted contributions, added following topics: Greetings of mayor of city Kutná Hora Ivo Šalátek and president of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Přemysl Sobotka opened the plenary session of the conference. The vice-dean Jaroslav Havlíček introduced the participants of the plenary session to the current results and next intentions of the University regarding teaching and research. Three parallel sections proceeded for the next three half-days. The total of 57 submitted contributions were presented and many new ideas appeared in discussions. One half day was devoted to sightseeing of Kutná Hora, the city inscribed to the UNESCO World Heritage List, and to visiting of local school of arts. The main aim of the conference was enable discussion and exchange of experience between Czech and also foreign professionals, and to make space for cooperation in solving of current problems of rural development. The goal was fulfilled; the representatives of academic sphere, research institutions, ministries and prestigious foreign professionals met and were able to listen to each others contributions and to discuss. More than 100 professionals from the Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, and Great Britain took part. Thanks very much to all for
the friendly atmosphere. Programme:The plenary session was simultaneously translated. The discussions in sections could be carried out in Czech if all contributions of the section was in Czech. Should the section be mixed the language was English. There will be three
publications available: Contact:For any additional questions or requests: countryside@pef.czu.cz Organization Committee: Ivana Tichá, Lukáš Čechura, Věra Majerová, Irena Herová About the town: www.kutnahora.cz |
The previous biennial conference took place in Český Krumlov Click on one of the two pictures to get to the 2006 websites |